2016-12-17There’s no perfect time to seize an opportunity - you have to go for it when the chance presents itself. 기회를 잡기에 완벽한 타이밍은 없다. 기회가 그 모습을 드러냈을 때 시도해야 한다.
Richard Branson @richar해외 바카라 사이트anson Tie-loathing adventurer, philanthropist & troublemaker, who believes in turning ideas into reality. Otherwise known as Dr Yes at @virgin!
2016-12-10The best things I’ve done in my life, I saw them in my sleep, this is why I have a sketch book in my bed. 내 인생에서 가장 잘한 일들은 내가 잠을 자다가 본 것들이다, 이것이 바로 내가 스케치북을 침대에 놓는 이유다.
Karl Lagerfeld @KarlLargerfeld German fashion designer, the head designer and creative director of the fashion house Chanel
2016-12-14Strategy is just an opinion with an exclamation mark. 전략이란 단지 느낌표를 붙인 의견이다.
Steve Blank @sgblank Customer Development & Secret History, Teaching at Stanford, Berkeley and Columbia
2016-12-16To be the best leader you can be, stop thinking about what you can get, and start thinking about what you can give. 최고의 리더가 되고 싶다면, 얻을 수 있는 것에 대한 생각을 멈추고 줄 수 있는 것에 대한 생각을 시작하라.
Doug Conant @DougConant Champion of Leadership That Works. Founder, ConantLeadership; Former CEO, @CampbellSoupCo; Chairman, @CECPTweets; Chairman, KELI; Former Chairman, Avon.
2016-12-18Funny think happens when people not only listen to the content but act on it. Go figure. 재미있는 생각은 콘텐츠를 듣기만 할 때가 아니라 그것을 직접 실행할 때 발생한다. 한번 해보시든지.
Gary Vaynerchuk @garyvee Family 1st! but after that, Businessman. CEO of @Vaynermedia. Co Founder of @VaynerSports. Creator of a lot of video content on FB & YT. Hustler & @NYJets fan