바카라 온라인
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검색버튼 메뉴버튼


바카라 온라인 | 1호 (2008년 1월)
From INSEAD Knowledge
"Ageing of populations is often viewed very negatively. Yet we need to constantly keep in mind that it is a sign of success," 바카라 온라인 Gavin Jones, co-editor of a new book called "The Impact of Ageing -- A Common Challenge for Europe and Asia" (LIT Verlag). That's because ageing populations in Europe and East Asia represent success in terms of lowering unsustainably high birth rates to replacement level, and prolonging life expectancy, he 바카라 온라인.
Except for Japan, Asian countries have not yet 바카라 온라인d as much as European countries, but that said, they are set to 바카라 온라인 at a much faster rate. In Singapore, the percent바카라 온라인 of the population older than 65 will triple between 2005 and 2030. The combination of much longer life expectancies and very low fertility rates will result in much smaller, and older, work forces; and societies will have to deal with much larger dependent populations.
Jones 바카라 온라인 Asia needs to learn from Europe's experiences and plan ahead. "You can predict ahead quite well how the ageing process is going to go."
A key lesson that Asia can learn is related to pension schemes. Jones 바카라 온라인 that countries need to consider shifting away from the current pay-as-you-go system that many currently have -- where pensions are paid out of current taxes.
"As the elderly population gets bigger, that becomes a tougher and tougher burden on the working population," he 바카라 온라인. "But if, as people go through the work force, they are contributing ahead for their own expenses -- an income contributory approach -- then that's not putting the burden on a particular group in the work force."
Jones 바카라 온라인 the crisis of pension systems can be dealt with if the labor-force participation rate is increased and people work five years longer. "The fact is that the elderly can remain productive. In many countries, the age at retirement tends to be too early," 바카라 온라인 Jones.
Figures from the United Kingdom show that, on aver바카라 온라인, men retiring at 64 spend 31 percent of their lives in retirement, as opposed to the situation in 1950, when a man retiring at 67 would have spent 18 percent of his life in retirement. In order to maintain the quality of the work force, it will be important to invest in training and retraining of older segments of the working population.
Not only can the elderly contribute to the work force, but, Jones 바카라 온라인, "they can also be productive in all sorts of other ways: in the community, through voluntary work, within the family and through their role in looking after their grandchildren." Gabriele Sinigoj, who co-edited the book, notes that biomedical research is an area where little distinction can be found between Asia and Europe. Between the ages of 65 and 95, the prevalence of dementia doubles with every five years of age, giving rise to fears of the increasing numbers of the elderly resulting in an epidemic of dementia.
Sinigoj 바카라 온라인 there is a universal approach to dealing with keeping so-called "young-olds" (those below 75) younger for longer, and for finding solutions to the problems which may afflict those above 75. She notes that "we have an immense industry coming up in terms of ... how people could actually look forward to a wonderful final stage in their life under the circumstances that these decisive old-age diseases are taken care of in a way that prolongs life in a positive way."

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