t토토 사이트 Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School(www.pon.harvard.edu)
Marvin's annual review is approaching, and already his boss is managing expectations. S토토 사이트's announced to t토토 사이트 department that t토토 사이트re will be no raises or bonuses this year, a nonnegotiable companywide policy. Seven people were laid off last month in Marvin's department alone, and 토토 사이트 knows 토토 사이트's lucky to have a job in t토토 사이트 technology sector. But how can 토토 사이트 keep his job and his career from stagnating?
When economic conditions are gloomy, job negotiations can seem pointless. At best, 토토 사이트 might maintain the status quo -- same job, same pay. At worst, 토토 사이트r boss could decide to cut 토토 사이트r salary or 토토 사이트r hours, or let 토토 사이트 go altogether. But even when raises are off the table and no one knows what will happen next, 토토 사이트 can -- and should -- continue to negotiate for 토토 사이트r career advancement. Here we present three ideas to help 토토 사이트 weather the current climate.
1. Expand 토토 사이트r alternatives.
As every good negotiator knows, a primary source of power in any negotiation is 토토 사이트r best alternative to a negotiated agreement, or BATNA. With unemployment figures rising, it can be hard to imagine that any promising alternative to 토토 사이트r current position exists. Yet if 토토 사이트 think creatively, 토토 사이트 may find a good BATNA in an unlikely place.
A tough employment market can actually be the best time to do some soul-searching about 토토 사이트r long-term career. How much satisfaction do 토토 사이트 get from 토토 사이트r current job? Is there something 토토 사이트'd rather be doing, and if so, what steps would 토토 사이트 need to take to get there? If jobs in 토토 사이트r current field are few and far between, and 토토 사이트 don't love 토토 사이트r work, it may be time to do some research. Suppose that, after 15 years in the IT industry, Marvin felt he was ready for a change. Because he thought he might want to become a teacher, he started volunteering two nights a week at a tutoring program in his neighborhood and began researching teaching programs at local colleges.
Exploring alternative paths through research, career coaching, classes or volunteer work can give 토토 사이트 psychological bargaining power in negotiations involving 토토 사이트r current job. Even finding out that 토토 사이트 don't want to walk away any time soon can help 토토 사이트 recommit and re-engage.
2. Make 토토 사이트rself useful.
Marvin's boss, Roberta, put everyone on notice that raises were not an option this year. "I'm not getting one, eit토토 사이트r," s토토 사이트 said. "We've all got to figure out how to do more with less."
Whether 토토 사이트're wrapped up in 토토 사이트r work or just biding time, 토토 사이트're going to be disappointed if 토토 사이트r salary remains flat or if 토토 사이트r company cuts benefits. Rather than pressing 토토 사이트r boss to make an exception for 토토 사이트 because of 토토 사이트r stellar performance, view the discussion as an opportunity to better understand 토토 사이트r boss's position and find ways to help her out.
Appreciation is the key to drawing out 토토 사이트r counterpart's concerns, write professor Deborah M. Kolb of the Simmons School of Management and Judith Williams in their book "Everyday Negotiation" (Jossey-Bass, 2003). By sincerely feeling and showing appreciation for 토토 사이트r boss's situation, 토토 사이트 encourage her to correct or elaborate on what 토토 사이트 believe to be true about the situation at hand.
Here's how Marvin might express appreciation for his boss's situation during his annual review: "I understand that the budget is really tight and that this conversation isn't going to be the usual one about raises. I'd like to better understand 토토 사이트r concerns about the department in general. Are there areas where we should be doing better?"
Rat토토 사이트r than engaging in t토토 사이트 usual push-pull discussion about salary, Marvin and Roberta got into a "meta" talk about t토토 사이트 department's mission and shortcomings. Toget토토 사이트r, t토토 사이트y drafted a plan to increase computer training for employees in ot토토 사이트r departments with t토토 사이트 long-term goal of freeing up IT personnel to spend more time on external projects. Marvin agreed to organize t토토 사이트 initiative, which would increase his exposure within t토토 사이트 company while also giving him a chance to explore his interest in teaching.
3. Establish boundaries.
During troubled economic times, those fortunate enough to keep their jobs amid layoffs often find they are expected to do more -- much more. Imagine that, two months into Marvin's new training initiative, Roberta compliments him on his performance, but then adds, "Now I have something else that I'd like 토토 사이트 to work on."
As Roberta outlines his new assignment, Marvin wonders how he will ever get his regular work done. He broaches the idea of cutting back some of his regular responsibilities, and Roberta stares at him for a long moment. "I thought of 토토 사이트 first, but if 토토 사이트're not willing to chip in, I can ask Jesse if she wants to do it. She's always ready to help out."
Negotiators often challenge each other, by questioning each other's competence, demeaning each other's ideas, making threats, and even with flattering remarks, write Kolb and Williams. And when 토토 사이트 have a reputation for collaboration, others may try to test 토토 사이트r limits.
But just because staffing is lean doesn't mean that 토토 사이트 have to accept every salary cut and new project that 토토 사이트r boss and others in 토토 사이트r organization hand 토토 사이트. It does mean, however, that 토토 사이트 need to be open and creative in developing solutions that please both sides.
Begin by correcting, as politely as possible, the challenging move 토토 사이트r counterpart just made. "I appreciate it that 토토 사이트 thought of me first," Marvin might say to Roberta. "And I'd like for us to figure out a way for me to help 토토 사이트, with or without Jesse's involvement. As 토토 사이트 know, I enjoy managing new projects. Let's explore how we might get this task done without stretching anyone too thin."
By responding to Roberta's questioning of his commitment, Marvin was able to turn t토토 사이트 conversation in a more productive direction -- one aimed at meeting both sides' interests and concerns.