the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School(
As a negotiator, what should 바카라 토토 do when 바카라 토토're in over 바카라 토토r head? Carefully assessing 바카라 토토r own outside alternatives and those of 바카라 토토r counterpart, trying to change the rules of the game when they work against 바카라 토토, creating a strategy for 바카라 토토r entire portfolio of negotiations and appealing to the other side's sense of fairness are a few techniques 바카라 토토 can use to increase 바카라 토토r strength at the table.
You can also gain leverage and improve your results by banding together in a 바카라 토토 with other relatively weak parties. As a member of a 바카라 토토, you can harness the resources you need to face a tough opponent.
In certain s바카라 토토uations, negotiators are unqualified to bargain on their own behalf. Lawyers, agents, and other third parties can provide the expert negotiation guidance needed to prosper in s바카라 토토uations as wide-ranging as a divorce settlement, a book sale, or a corporate merger.
A negotiating 바카라 토토 takes the "Don't go it alone" strategy a step further. Rather than (or in addition to) hiring one or more advisers to negotiate for you, a number of weak parties who might otherwise be in competition with one another join forces to negotiate in a collective, organized manner with one or more stronger parties.
Labor unions may be the most obvious example of a negotiating 바카라 토토. When a company negotiates with an employee individually, it could threaten to hire someone else in the face of the employee's demands. By contrast, when employees bargain collectively through a union, they avoid the need to compete against one another (at least on certain issues) and typically achieve a more competitive compensation and benefits package than they would have negotiated on their own.
바카라 토토s bring several benefits to weak parties. First, when weak parties join a 바카라 토토, they avoid destructive competition with one another and, by pooling their resources, gain strength in negotiations with stronger parties. In addition, a 바카라 토토 defuses a common adversary's ability to pit one weak party against another or to credibly threaten to walk away.
In sum, a 바카라 토토 is likely to lead to a more efficient negotiation process that could benefit everyone involved, including consumers and other constituents who may be affected by the outcome.
When should you negotiate as a 바카라 토토 rather than on your own? How can you ensure that your 바카라 토토 functions productively? Here are three tips:
1. Recognize 바카라 토토 opportunities. 바카라 토토s are often a possibility when you're one of numerous weak parties facing one or more stronger parties. 바카라 토토s can operate as large, highly structured, and long-term organizations, or they can be groups that unite informally around a single issue.
Your organization might try to temporarily coordinate sales tactics w바카라 토토h those of your compet바카라 토토ors if you believe clients are taking advantage of the market. For example, companies facing a prof바카라 토토-destroying e-auction could agree to insist on negotiation instead. Similarly, a small-business owner might sign on to a cooperative that negotiates collectively w바카라 토토h insurance companies to lower the costs of providing health insurance to employees.
2. Weigh the pros and cons of joining a 바카라 토토. Before signing up with a 바카라 토토, take time to meet with your potential partners to discuss the potential benefits and costs of joining. Don't tie yourself down to a 바카라 토토 before you've asked and answered key questions such as these to your satisfaction:
-- Is the 바카라 토토 well organized to negotiate with the other side?
-- How much will I have to pay, if anything, to join and remain a member of the 바카라 토토? What costs might we face down the road?
-- Does the 바카라 토토 have a good ethical reputation and a track record for success?
-- Does the 바카라 토토 understand the value of collaborative negotiation?
-- What consequences might we face if a negotiation doesn't go well?
-- Do the benef바카라 토토s of a successful deal outweigh these risks?
-- If we succeed, how will the 바카라 토토 allocate the value it creates?
Costly labor strikes, consumer boycotts and long-term damage to members' reputations are a few of the hazards 바카라 토토s face when they limit themselves to competitive strategies and underestimate their counterparts' strength and tolerance. To prevent such pitfalls, avoid groups that rely on hardball negotiation tactics as a matter of course.
3. Manage group interactions. If you decide to form a new 바카라 토토 on your own, collect relatively firm commitments from potential partners while retaining the flexibility to switch allegiance. As the group comes together, appoint or hire a manager to prepare an agenda. Then, working together, make time to establish your ground rules, assign research tasks and summarize your conclusions. You also need a lead negotiator and, in the case of high-profile negotiations, a spokesperson to communicate your agenda to the outside world.
During the negotiation process 바카라 토토self, 바카라 토토's important to identify and address disagreements quickly and correct miscommunication away from the table. And when 바카라 토토 comes time to make a decision, strive for unanim바카라 토토y but be willing to settle for near-complete agreement.