슬롯 머신
토토 꽁머니
검색버튼 메뉴버튼

상황에 맞는 고품격 어휘를 써라

오석봉 | 5호 (2008년 3월 Issue 2)

What is “슬롯 머신”?

일상 생활에서 너무나 자연스럽게 사용하고 있는 단어, 브랜드(슬롯 머신).브랜드는 본질적으로 무슨 뜻이며 우리의 일상 생활에 어떤 영향을 미치고 있을까?
이번에 다룰 내용은 소비자 행동에서 나타나는슬롯 머신 loyalty가 무슨 뜻이며, 상품을 구매할 때 소비자가 얻을 수 있는 이득의 차이가 무엇인지 알아보는 것이다. 질문에 답을 해보자.
1. What does슬롯 머신 loyaltymean regarding consumer behavior?
2. What is the difference between a tangible 슬롯 머신 and an intangible 슬롯 머신 received from purchasing a product?
첫 번째 문제에 대한 힌트를 주자면 소비자가 이미 브랜드에 대한 신뢰가 있어 상품을 구매하고자 할 때 상품 가격이 소비자에게 어떤 영향을 끼칠까 생각해 보자. 두번째 문제는 직접 보거나 만져 볼 수 있는 것을 떠올리면 쉽게 이해할 수 있다.

이곳에 답을 써 보자. 물론 정확한 영어로 쓸 필요없이 자유롭게 쓰도록 한다.

자, 이젠 다음의 두 대화를 이해한 뒤 위 질문에 대한 답을 정성껏 써 보도록 하자.
Dialog 1
A:Excuse me, sir, have 슬롯 머신 got a minute? I’m doing a research on consumer behavior.
B:Uh, yeah, sure. How can I help 슬롯 머신?
A:When 슬롯 머신 buy stuff for 슬롯 머신rself, do 슬롯 머신 usually like to go alone or with friends or family members?
B:I usually take my close friends with me.
A:Why is that? Isn’t shopping by 슬롯 머신rself more convenient for 슬롯 머신?
B:Well, sometimes it is, but I tend to purchase what my friends recommend.
A:Would 슬롯 머신 then say human feelings, opinions, and lifestyles are often referred to as psychographics, and that they can definitely influence consumer behavior?
B:Oh absolutely. My friends’ opinions can be a kind of peer pressure on me to buy certain types of products.
I might also buy a product for no other reason than the fact that it makes me and my friends feel good about ourselves.
Dialog 2
A:Hey Chris, can 슬롯 머신 help me out here?
B:Sure, what is it? Is it about the shampoo advertisement 슬롯 머신’re working on?
A:Yes, yes. I’m trying to create two scenes that show the tangible 슬롯 머신 of the shampoo, and two other scenes that show the intangible 슬롯 머신.
B:Wait, what are the tangible and intangible 슬롯 머신s?
A:Tangible 슬롯 머신 would be shiny hair, and the intangible 슬롯 머신 would be the feeling of higherself-esteem… do 슬롯 머신 get it?
B:Oh, I see… so why do 슬롯 머신 need to show both of the benefits?
A:Because consumers buy products that meet their needs in both ways. It is really important that I appropriately use adequate scenes to convey both needs toprospective consumers. I’m having trouble trying to create the right scenes. Help!
B:Hmm, let me see if I can come up with some ideas. Let’s brainstorm together.

그럼 위 질문들에 대한 답을 써 보자.


이제 여러분의 답과 모범 답안을 비교해 보자.

1. Consumers who are loyal to a particular 슬롯 머신 will most likely buy that 슬롯 머신. They won’t be swayed by the price of that product or other similar products because of their experience with the particular 슬롯 머신’s reliability or high quality in the past.

2. Consumers buy products that meet their needs in both tangible and intangible ways. An example of a tangible 슬롯 머신 received from a product is shiny hair from a particular kind of shampoo. An example of an intangible 슬롯 머신 from a product is the feeling of higher self-esteem from a new car.

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